Several Quakers began meeting in each others' homes in Reston, VA in 1974. Space was rented in Brown's Chapel in Reston in 1976, and as the Meeting grew, we worshiped in different locations in Reston and Herndon. We became a Worship Group in 1979, a Preparative Monthly Meeting under the Care of Langley Monthly Meeting in 1981, and a Monthly Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting in 1986. The “Monthly Meeting” designation refers to a distinctive part of Quaker practice, the monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. In a spirit of worship, activities of the committees are reported and we seek new directions. We make decisions in unity through discernment rather than by voting.
In 1995, Herndon Friends Meeting purchased our current building at 660 Spring Street from the Herndon Fortnightly Club. After extensive remodeling to make it suitable as a meetinghouse, the first Meeting for Worship was held in April 1996. The front part of the meetinghouse building was built in 1926 by the Herndon Fortnightly Club and Library Association. The rear portion of the building was added in 1953. In 1972, the Fairfax County Library system took over the operation of the Herndon Fortnightly Library. When a new public library building was built in Herndon, the Fortnightly Club put the building up for sale.