Herndon Friends organizes into committees for the purposes of managing our meetings, helping our local community, and advocating for positive societal change. For a list of all committee members, click here.
Meeting Clerk — Tim Stanley
Ministry and Pastoral Care
Clerk — John Smallwood
The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee is charged with building and maintaining a spiritual community and with tending to the spiritual well-being of the Meeting’s individual members and attenders. This includes overseeing the quality of the Meeting for Worship, helping members and attenders better understand Friends’ principles and practices, and appointing special committees to oversee marriages, memorial services, consider applications for membership, or coordinate pastoral care.
Peace and Social Concerns
Clerks — Katherine Cole
The Peace and Social Concerns Committee ensures that the Meeting makes a suitable corporate contribution to the furtherance of our testimonies of peace and social concern. This would include providing opportunities for individuals to participate in service to the community through Cornerstones, or other service organizations, and to work with FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation) and VICPP (Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy), national and state non-partisan public policy and lobbying organizations. The Anti-Racism Working Group falls under the auspices of this committee as well.
Communications and Outreach
Clerk — Matthew Lofgren
The Communications and Outreach Committee is responsible for communications within the Meeting community and for outreach to the wider community. This would include publications such as a newsletter and group emails, as well as a public website and social media presence, and activities designed to attract new attenders. The committee also prepares and maintains pamphlets as handouts for inquirers and visitors, as well as a library of books and pamphlets for borrowing.
House and Grounds
Clerk — Harry Tunis
The House and Grounds Committee is responsible for the care of the meetinghouse building and grounds, including cleaning and supplies, the heating and air conditioning systems, kitchen appliances, plumbing, the assisted listening system, the Zoom technology, and the design and maintenance of the native plant landscaping and lawn mowing.
Clerk — Stacey LaRoy
The Hospitality Committee provides a service-based ministry to support sharing and fellowship. The committee provides snacks and drink for after Meeting for Worship and sets up and facilitates a monthly potluck lunch. They also arrange an annual Easter egg hunt, set up for the Christmas carol sing, and welcoming events for new members and births.
Religious Education
Clerk — Inga Erickson
The Religious Education Committee is responsible for furthering the religious education of the Meeting’s children from birth through secondary school by providing First Day School classes appropriate to their age group. The program may focus on Bible stories, Quaker history and testimonies, other forms of religious practice and experience, and participation in various service projects.
Clerk — Harry Tunis
The Finance Committee guides the activities of the Treasurer, including preparation of the annual budget and setting priorities for growth and development. The Meeting for Business approves the budget. The committee also oversees the investment account and the distribution of dividends to charitable institutions.